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Sal La Rocca
double bass

Lazy lion (pdf) Audio (Igloo records)
Stand point (pdf) Audio (Igloo records)
Photo © Claire Rensonnet
Click to enlarge
Gino Lattuca
trumpet, flugelhorn
Concoa para voce (pdf)
Sunset (pdf)
Photo © Jacky Lepage
Click to enlarge
David Linx
vocals, songwriting, lyrics

Like there has never been (pdf) Audio (YouTube)
O grande Klapy (pdf) Audio (YouTube)
Prophet birds (pdf) Video (YouTube)
Shake up your trust (pdf) Audio (YouTube)
The whistleblowers (pdf) Video (YouTube)

Photo © website
Click to enlarge
Charles Loos
Angelo (pdf)
Avant un rêve (pdf) Audio (MognoMusic)
Bright as a father (pdf)
Chorinho para T (pdf)
Choro para E (pdf)

Du tac au tac (pdf) (Quetzal records)
Pour Félicien (pdf) Audio (Mognomusic) | Video (YouTube)
S and P (pdf)
Stéphane C (pdf)
The weirdness of you (pdf) Audio (Mognomusic)

Photo © Jacky Lepage
Click to enlarge
Nathalie Loriers

After (pdf)
Alizés (pdf)
Dinner with Ornette and Thelonious (pdf)
Everything we need (pdf)
Le temps retrouvé (pdf)
Lennie knows (pdf)
Moon's mood (pdf)
Silent spring (pdf)
Zéphirs (pdf)

Photo © Jacky Lepage
Click to enlarge
Paolo Loveri
For Carla (pdf)
The little castle (pdf) Audio (Mognomusic)
Photo © ???
Click to enlarge